EMWT : EM waves & Transmission Lines
Course objectives
This course will develop students' knowledge of
1) methods of guided (transmission lines and waveguides) and unguided (antennas and free-space links) electromagnetic wave transmission in communications and sensing systems, and
2) analytical tools used in the design of such systems.
review of Maxwell's equations and plane wave propagation
TEM transmission lines, including parallel-plate, coaxial, and two-wire lines
quasi-TEM transmission lines, including microstrips
time-harmonic analysis of the transmission line equations
impedance transformations and reflection coefficients for terminated transmission lines
Smith Chart
impedance matching networks, including quarter-wave transformers, single-stub tuners, and double-stub tuners
higher-order modes on parallel-plate waveguides
rectangular waveguides
dielectric slab waveguides
review of magnetic vector potential
elemental antennas (infinitesimal dipoles and small loops)
finite-length dipole antennas
transmitting and receiving properties of antennas
gain, directivity, radiation patterns, beamwidth, radiation resistance, input impedance, radiation efficiency
antenna arrays
communications links
EM waves & Transmission Lines
1.Electromagnetic Waveguides And Transmission Lines by Olyslager
2.Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: The Method of Lines by Reinhold Pregla
can you please post this two books
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