Monday, May 17, 2010

Deployment Diagram Payroll Application Processing Management System

To draw the deployment diagram for the use-case, “Maintaining Employee Details”.Deployment diagram it has four blocks these are Ms-Access Manager login section and personal detail Manger section is divided the login and personal detail. By through pervious specification it will draw the Deployment diagram. In payroll processing activity diagram, component diagram, sequence diagram, usecae model by through these things you can generate uml diagram
Deployment Diagram Payroll Application Processing Management System

Thus the deployment diagram was drawn Rational rose case tool lap algorithm


Unknown said...

Hi! This is exactly what I've been looking for. I am thinking of outsourcing payroll of my restaurant, but I'm still not sure if it's the right time. There's so much to do for the next couple of months, and I think I can no longer handle my business's financial matters.

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